On the 2nd and 3rd of July ShUOC held it's annual exotic weekend. A weekend of orienteering and fun offered up to current and prospective members to provide some entertainment during the long uni holidays and give possible ShUOC freshers a taste of Sheffield. This year the exotic weekend coincided with the trial British Mixed Sprint Relay Championships, which took place around the edge (the uni of freshers halls). ShUOC entered 6 teams. Our Steel men, iron lady (Matt Elkington, Oliver Williams and Charlotte Ward, who ran twice), came second, 40 seconds behind the winning team. ShUOC also stole 3rd with Now Watch Me Whip, (Nathan Lawson, Nic Barber and Tamsin Moran, who ran twice). Dolly Mixtures - 6th - Josh Cooper, Alice Rigby, who ran twice, and Alex Moore ShUOC reserves - 8th - Adam Wlker, Winona Shaw, Chris Owens and Rhona McMillan Where are the girls? - non competative but their time places 7th - James Mellor, Will Parkinson, Tom Chiu and Tom Entwistle Ari Hodson also got to run twice with Chris Smithard. ShUOC then descended on our centre of excellence of a BBQ, some football watching and finally a trip to the finest establishment Sheffield has to offer, Corp. Comments are closed.
September 2024