Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Easy recovery run (Approx 5km from meeting point) Meet @ Weston Park Museum 6pm |
Orienteering Training /Social Run Meeting place and time varies |
Intervals Session/ Hills Session Meeting place varies - starts at 6.30pm |
Long Social Run or Local Event |
Long Social Run or Local Event |
Circuits consists of periods of effort, working the core muscles, followed by a short period of rest.
Drills focus on running form and technique. In these sessions, we’ll be working on on running form and leg exercises. We integrate this session into Intervals.
This session consists of periods of hard work up a steep gradient, followed by a period of recovery running down. Hills are great for aerobic endurance and leg strength. These alternate with our club interval sessions, keep an eye on the Facebook for where and when they take place!
Much like our Hills session, Interval training is made up of a short period of fast running, followed by a period of recovery. Intervals are a great way to improve aerobic endurance and increase overall speed. Keep an eye on the Facebook for where and when these will take place!